About MA

The Management Accounting FMA/F2 course provides comprehensive knowledge and understanding of management accounting, used in making and supporting decisions. The F2 syllabus begins with the introduction of nature, sources, and the goal of management information and statistical techniques. It addresses cost accounting and related techniques used in business, which are vital for any management accountant. Next, the syllabus teaches students how to make budgets and use them with standard costing and variance analysis as crucial tools to plan and control business activities.

ACCA F2 is a perfect gateway if you are looking to improve yourself in management accounting. It educates on all the important concepts and develops the required skills in practical business settings.


Exam Structure

SO, Why Choose

Sir Shafi
for your MA journey?

Renowned ACCA teacher Ahmed Shafi has years of experience. He is adept at imparting effective knowledge and skills in management accounting to students. With his insightful approach and real-world expertise, he helps students develop a deeper understanding of the audit. Additionally, his notes help students have a smooth learning experience. These notes are still useful to students after the course ends. Enroll in Management Accounting FMA/F2 by Ahmed Shafi to assure your success in next exam!

Qualifications and Achievements

Demo Lectures

Watch the demo lecture which provides insight into Teach Fin’s approach for ACCA, showcasing their teaching methodology, faculty expertise, and available resources for students.


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  • Explain the nature, source, and purpose of management information.
  • Explain and apply data analysis and statistical techniques.
  • Explain and apply cost accounting techniques.
  • How to prepare budgets for planning and control.
  • Compare actual costs with standard costs and analyze any variances.
  • Explain and apply performance measurements and monitor business performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans)The primary objective of the F2 course is to teach cost and management accounting to students and aspiring accountants. It covers every theoretical and academic aspect of management accounting that is applied in practical settings.


Ans)F2 is the hardest of the first three exams, and you’ll find that the costing papers take more time and effort than the others throughout the ACCA program.

Ans)Exam structures differ from one another. The foundation’s exams contain 100% compulsory questions to motivate applicants to cover the entire course. Two hours of computer-based tests are used to evaluate all Foundations exams. All FIA exams have a 50% passing score.

Ans) The FMA/MA exam is divided into two sections: Section A has 35 objective questions for two marks each. Section B has three multi-task questions (MTQs) at ten marks each.


Ans) Focus on practicing as many MCQs as you can. Read the questions with focus. Before answering a multiple-choice question, be sure to finish your computations. Prioritize answering the “easy” exam questions first.